Garrard County Schools recently celebrated its annual Whitaker Bank Teacher of the Year Awards, honoring exceptional educators from each school in the district. Teachers and administrators collaboratively selected the recipients, with Whitaker Bank generously sponsoring the awards and providing each honoree with a personalized glass apple.

TOYTOYTOYThe awards were presented at a special banquet, highlighting the collaborative efforts of various school groups. The night kicked off with the Garrard County Jazz Band, directed by Mr. Noel Green, playing a lively set. Mrs. Arnold's Culinary class at Garrard County High School prepared and served a delicious meal, while Mrs. Parsons' Greenhouse class created beautiful centerpieces for the table.

The event brought together teachers, their guests, building principals, and district leaders to celebrate the outstanding contributions of the honored educators. Holly Young, Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning, expressed her admiration for the nominees. "As the principals submitted the nominations for the Teachers of the Year, I smiled. I am able to easily identify numerous reasons why each of these honorees is deserving of this award. Their strong commitment to student success, enthusiasm for teaching and professional growth, high level of energy, and exceptional talent are evident each time I observe their classroom instruction or engage in collaborative efforts with them. They are all truly deserving of this award," Young remarked.

TOYGarrard County Teacher of the Year recipients with Whitaker Bank representatives, Mrs. Jessica Fyfe and Mrs. Lisa Sebastian.

Each Teacher of the Year shared a heartfelt quote about their passion for teaching:

Mrs. Katherine McMullen, Camp Dick Robinson Elementary: "Teaching is such a rewarding profession. While each day comes with its own unique set of challenges, watching my students learn, grow, and succeed is a blessing. Each child I've had the opportunity to teach and love has impacted my life in a meaningful way, and it is my hope that when students leave my classroom, they know for certain that they will always have a teacher and a friend in me."

Click here to view Mrs. Katherine McMullen's Teacher of the Video.

Ms. Kelsey Bricking, Lancaster Elementary: "I teach because I want to be one of the safe places a child can go to, especially if they have no one else! I love getting to motivate, and empower students! There’s nothing more rewarding than watching them grow!"

Click here to view Ms. Kelsey Bricking's Teacher of the Video.

Mrs. Jennifer Thompson, Paint Lick Elementary: "For me, education is not about test scores. Children are more than numbers. When they are in my classroom, they become my kids forever. I love getting to know their different personalities, helping them recognize their strengths and improve their weaknesses, and creating bonds and community. I’m thankful for a place like PLE, which allows me to do what I love, every single day."

Click here to view Mrs. Jennifer Thompson's Teacher of the Video.

Ms. Jennifer Carmicle, Garrard Middle School: "I have always wanted to be a teacher. I cannot imagine doing anything else. There is nothing greater than investing in the lives of my students. I am confident that God has called me to be someone in the lives of my students that lets them know they are loved and they are noticed. I absolutely love having the privilege to do what I do with a group of teachers and administrators that are some of the best in the state."

Click here to view Mrs. Jennifer Carmicle's Teacher of the Video.

Mrs. Emily Arnold, Garrard County High School: "One thing that gives my life purpose is being a teacher. I love the mission of public schools and getting to know and teach students from so many different backgrounds. I am excited about teaching when my students are excited about learning. I love that my job allows me to be creative and allows me to be a lifelong learner. There is no group I am more honored to be included with than other teachers. It is good, hard, fulfilling work and I am blessed to be a Garrard County teacher."

Click here to view Mrs. Emily Arnold's Teacher of the Video.

The Whitaker Bank Teacher of the Year Awards not only celebrate individual excellence but also underscore the strong sense of community and collaboration within Garrard County Schools. Congratulations to all the honorees for their dedication and passion in shaping the future of their students!

Click here to view all photos from Teacher of the Year Banquet.